Henoch (2017). Vol. 39/1: Qumran at Seventy. Papers from the International Conference on the Dead Sea Scrolls held in Ravenna an

Riferimento: 9788837231538

Editore: Morcelliana
Autore: Martone C. (cur.)
Collana: Henoch
In commercio dal: 10 Luglio 2018
Pagine: 192 p., Libro di altro formato
EAN: 9788837231538
30,00 €
Non disponibile


Theme section/sezione monografica: Corrado Martone, Introduction. John J. Collins, The Origin of the Scrolls Community and its Historical Context. Julio Trebolle, The Qumran Texts and the History of the Biblical Text. Vasile Babota, The Parabiblical Texts. From Biblical Texts to Pesharim. Jutta Jokiranta, Essene Monastic Sect 70 Years After. Social-Scientific Notes on Scrolls Labelling. Giovanni Ibba, Qumran e le origini cristiane. Emma Abate, Frammenti di un discorso magico. Demonologia e divinazione a Qumran. Emile Puech, Édition et reconstruction des manuscrits.